Thursday, August 04, 2005

Cartoon #202: “Intelligent Design”

Title: Intelligent Design; Text: (Bush devolving into ape says) 'Intelligent Design should be taught in public schools...eek! ook! eek!

Title: Intelligent Design; Text: (Giant gorilla labeled: Kansas Board of Education; two men talking) Man #1: 'What will it take to get a good education in Kansas?' Man #2: 'Evolution.'
Cartoon #181: “Evolution”

President Bush told a small group of Texas reporters on Tuesday, August 2, 2005, that public schools should teach both evolution and “intelligent design.” Intelligent design, or “incredible dogma” (ID) as I like to call it, is the belief that life forms are so complex that their creation cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution, on the other hand, is science. Science, for those of you who were left behind by your educators, is knowledge based on consequences from hypotheses that are subject to observation, measurement, or experiment. It is the standard for asking questions about nature.

To Incredible Dogmatists, or “IDiots” as I like to call them, the idea that they have a common ancestor with primates other than humans is abhorrent. What IDiots don’t get is that their claim of equity between ID and science puts them on an education level closer to non-human primates.

On the same day that Bush told the world he is an IDiot, the IDiots on the Kansas State Board of Education held a meeting with educators wishing to respond to the board’s newly added IDiotic language in the state’s science education standards.

For those IDiots among you who find science books so complex that comprehending them cannot be explained by literacy, I refer you to the Bible. The Bible supports science, and therefore Darwinian evolution, and therefore common ancestry between humans and non-human primates. See the book of Job, chapter 12, verses 7-12. Once you have understood that, try your best to read this short, 13-paragraph essay called “Bad arguments for intelligent design,” by Jim Fetzer, a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, who specializes in the philosophy of science.

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